Saturday, March 14, 2009

Going Quiescent

This Sun 'n Fun 2009 Trip blog is going quiescent for the next five and-a-half weeks, and will resume April 21 or shortly thereafter with enroute postings. In the meanwhile, consult the Sun 'n Fun WEBSITE for updates of planned activities there.

Friday, March 13, 2009

What's with the Advertising?

The targeted text advertising you see in the sidebar column is what's called Google Adsense advertising. Advertisers only pay when potential customers, ie you, click on the ads, and the site owner, ie me, then gets a pittance of commission (we're talking pennies). The fact that Google, under its nom de plume Blogspot, provides the blog hosting service is only incidental — advertising is optional and absent by default. You can put Adsense advertising on any web page you manage.

Our modest aim is to accrue enough revenue to buy some premium dog biscuits for Ninotchka, mascot of another blog, NINOTCHKA'S OCCASIONAL BLOG, q.v.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sun 'n Fun Registration Info Changed (Again)

Based on revised information received from the folks in Lakeland:

Sun ‘n Fun Registration

Flight line access for the duration costs $150.00 for the public, $95.00 for EAA members. When you get out of the airplane, you’re already on the flight line without paying anything, right? True, but assuming you want to eat, go to a forum, see the exhibits, even use a real bathroom, you’ll have to leave the flight line and then you won’t be able to get back again without a wristband.

EAA Warbirds gives arriving member pilots (me) two wristbands per engine, so I get one for myself and one to bestow. This means that if I have one person with, he/she gets in for free. If I have two people with, one joins EAA Warbirds for $55 and pays $95.00 at the gate, and the person who gets the free wristband reimburses the other person $75. Make sense? Now if I have three people with, two join EAA Warbirds for $55 and pay $95 at the gate, and the person who gets the free wristband reimburses each person $50. Not too complicated.

Actually, there's no need for anyone else to join EAA Warbirds (unless they really want to), since I can buy two add'l guest wristbands at the member price of $95.00, and so the matrix is: one person with = $0.00, two with = $47.50 each, three with = $63.33 each

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sun 'n Fun NOTAM Published

Lake Parker arrival is depicted above. Download the 40-page NOTAM pdf.